all postcodes in RM5 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM5 3AA 36 1 51.585071 0.172207
RM5 3AB 1 1 51.585187 0.172747
RM5 3AD 6 0 51.586001 0.170868
RM5 3AE 33 0 51.605004 0.170487
RM5 3AF 18 0 51.604696 0.170617
RM5 3AG 29 0 51.605563 0.171842
RM5 3AJ 4 0 51.604348 0.170761
RM5 3AL 39 1 51.586535 0.170848
RM5 3AN 20 0 51.606605 0.175806
RM5 3AP 29 0 51.588268 0.168911
RM5 3AQ 36 0 51.60608 0.174077
RM5 3AR 29 0 51.588157 0.168545
RM5 3AS 18 0 51.589435 0.16768
RM5 3AT 32 0 51.590004 0.165094
RM5 3AU 20 0 51.589701 0.165818
RM5 3AW 26 0 51.606843 0.177031
RM5 3AX 30 0 51.589364 0.165065
RM5 3AY 23 0 51.602912 0.17225
RM5 3AZ 28 0 51.60435 0.171627
RM5 3BA 1 0 51.59032 0.166367